Bulletproof Golden Milk Latte Recipe

This baby...  MMMM, mmm.  It's got the best of everything all rolled into one.  First, a little background.

I am a BIG coffee fan.  Not in the sense that I need it to wake up in the morning, because I don't.  I just dig it.  And depending how you have it, there can be solid health benefits.

I typically don't even have coffee until mid-morning.  Going along with my bod's natural cortisol circadian rhythm, I'll wake up and either work out or not (listen to your bod).  I won't sit here and say that I jump out of bed singing every morning, but quite honestly, once I'm up I'm pretty alert and feel good and ready for the day.  This is assuming I didn't stay up too late or have a night of indulgences, which happens.  I'm human.. GUILTY.  Within about an hour of waking or following my workout, I'll have breakfast that, generally during the week, consists of eggs and a green smoothie.  Healthy cortisol levels SHOULD be highest in the morning, allowing us to have the most energy at this time to prepare for our day and then steadily decline with some variations as the day goes on so that by the time we rest our pretty little heads on our pillows, we're ready for some quality sleep (1). 

That's in a perfect world.  Thanks to environmental factors, stress, etc., many people's cortisol circadian rhythm's do not function in this perfect way.  There are ways to reset your circadian rhythm and this dietitian here would be more than happy to help you out with this if that's you (Danielle@dietitiangonewild.com). *Shameless Plug*  ;-)  But anywhooo...

Since I've nourished my bod well, I wake up with natural energy and fuel myself with proper nutrients to keep that energy sustained and as the morning progresses and my cortisol levels dip down a bit, that's when I'll take my coffee.  During the week I'm pretty structured and weekday coffee for me isn't that exciting.  But the weekend.... OHH, the weekend coffee.  I dress it up.

I dig the bulletproof coffee (ghee, coconut oil, the works), I dig the Golden milk (turmeric, spices) and I love my Vital Proteins beef gelatin (gut health defender) so basically I combine all of these and I have myself a time.  ::insert nerd emoji here::

Weekday or weekend, I will use Bulletproof® Brain Octane Oil.  This is a very pure form of the Medium Chain Triglyceride, Caprylic Acid.  MCT's are VERY easily absorbed, even for those of us with gut probs and may even IMPROVE gut issues (2).  They are processed in the liver and provide a quick source of energy that can provide longer satiety.  Fats are big players in hormone production and immune function; therefore, having a readily absorbed fat on board (especially for those with difficulty absorbing fats due to gut health issues) can be a game changer (2).  Not to mention, gut health and immunity and brain function are all HUGELY intertwined (3).  If you're into podcasts the Bulletproof Radio podcast, "Connecting Your Gut and Your Brain with Dr. Perlmutter" is simply fan-frickin-tastic.  I'm not endorsed by Bulletproof in any way, btw.  It's just good stuff you deserve to know about.

As a holistic dietitian, I need to reiterate that just because I'm telling you what I like to take and the potential benefits, it does NOT necessarily mean I think you NEED it.  Everyone's different.  And depending on what's going on in your bod, this may not be for you.  You may very well not see any benefits incorporating this into your diet if there are other ish's (issue's) going on that need tending to first. 

That being said, if you want to give it a go, here's my weekend coffee party recipe.  CHEERS!

Bulletproof Golden Milk Latte Recipe:


-10oz coffee (it's the weekend... treat yo'self)

-1 scoop Vital Proteins Beef Gelatin

-few dashes Turmeric

-few dashes black pepper

-few more dashes cinnamon

-1 teaspoon vanilla extract

-1 teaspoon vanilla bean ghee

-1 tablespoon Bulletproof® Brain Octane Oil

-Sun Potion Ashwagandha and Cordyceps optional**

Make your coffee.  Keep this coffee hot if you're using beef gelatin, as it WILL gel in cold beverages and.. ew.  Add all ingredients and blend.  Beef gelatin blended into your coffee will make it foamy like a latte without even adding any nut-based milks.  You may sub these in instead if you're not feeling the gelatin.  Pour into your coffee mug.  Maybe get crazy and throw a dash of cinnamon or turmeric on top for presentation and.. VOILA!  Enjoy with your favorite healthy breakfast.   

[Click link to getcha self some]

[Click photo link above to getcha self some]

Stay Wild,




1. Chan S, Debono M. Replication of cortisol circadian rhythm: new advances in hydrocortisone replacement therapy. Therapeutic Advances in Endocrinology and Metabolism. 2010;1(3):129-138. doi:10.1177/2042018810380214.

2. Rial SA, Karelis AD, Bergeron K-F, Mounier C. Gut Microbiota and Metabolic Health: The Potential Beneficial Effects of a Medium Chain Triglyceride Diet in Obese Individuals. Nutrients. 2016;8(5):281. doi:10.3390/nu8050281.

3. Purchiaroni F, Tortora A, Gabrielli M, Bertucci F, Gigante G, Ianiro G, Scarpellini E, Gasbarrini A. The Role of intestinal Microbiota and the Immune System.  Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci. 2013 Feb;17(3):323-33.