Adventure and Pets

Last weekend I made it out to The Chicago Auto Show with friends to check out some cool new cars and do something a little different.  If you don't know what the auto show is, it's basically exactly as it sounds... the nation's largest and longest running auto show.  They fill a huge convention center with all different kinds of amazing cars and even let you test drive some!  There also happened to be a pet adoption happening with Subaru because "Subaru Loves Pets" and that's generally all it takes to reel me in.  My 2 dogs are adopted.

My new friend, Doughnut, who I fell in love with. <3

My new friend, Doughnut, who I fell in love with. <3

So as I was perusing vehicles and puppies, it made me think of a question I get asked a lot, which basically inspired this blog...

"What do you do with your dogs when you travel?"

I get asked this by pet owners who don't travel much because they don't want to leave their furry friends and I get asked this by prospective pet owners who are apprehensive to get a pet for this reason.  As a person whose favorite things about life include my dogs and traveling, I want to encourage ya'll out there that you CAN have pets and travel! 

Depending on the nature of the trip or if it's abroad, I'll get a dog sitter.  However, if I'm being honest one of my favorite ways to travel is a road trip!  Hence, why I wanted to go to an auto show in the first place.  My car, my doggos, cruising somewhere awesome and checking out beautiful scenery along the way...  THE BEST.

Earlier this year I took a trip to a cabin in the woods up north with puppers in tow and it made the trip that much better for me not being a stressed out dog momma worrying how the "kids" were doing back at home.  The only thing that would've made it even better would've been a vehicle better equipped for adventures. Y'all know I love my adventures. ;-)

More of me and Doughnut because I couldn’t let her go. In the Subaru Forester

More of me and Doughnut because I couldn’t let her go. In the Subaru Forester

Since I was already drawn to the Subaru's because of all the doggies, I checked out the Subaru Forester in my favorite car color, Metallic Gray.  I found out that it's actually BUILT for adventures... totally meant to be.  It has symmetrical all-wheel drive, a boxer engine and it's fuel efficient.  It also has larger interior space (for my doggos) and higher visibility over the road (for shorties like me).  And it has a TON of safety features including Eyesight Driver Assist Technology.

Aaaaand did you know Subaru works with Cesar Millan for tips to travel with your dog safely??  FAN GIRLING. If only I could get Cesar to train my boys...

So I said all that to say this... YES, you can be a traveler and save a furbaby by giving them a good home.  Make sure you have a ride built for your family's safety and for adventures, like the Forester.  Get out there on the road so you and your fur or human family can see the world!  Happy adventuring!

The Forester in Metallic Grey is so my style. And Doughnut’s.

The Forester in Metallic Grey is so my style. And Doughnut’s.

Stay Wild,


Chill Out and Make the World a Better Place


My session began with the staff offering me tea.  I chose the mint tea.  SO GOOD.  Then I sat in the lounge while the workshop was setup.  I checked out some candles, bath products that all smelled like heaven.  I sat in a chair swing for a bit and zoned out before moving myself into the back room with lounge cushions next to a fountain where I listened to the calming sound of flowing water while sipping my mint tea.  When the workshop was ready I went in the room to discover cushions big enough to lie down on and then I had 60 minutes of pure bliss.  Half of the workshop was just the sound of crystal bowls (which if you don't know what those are, I encourage you to check it out) and half a guided meditation.  A whole hour of meditation was a gift I don't often give myself and it was SO worth it.



This was my recent experience at Chill Chicago (check them out here), a local meditation, yoga and massage center in Chicago.  A peaceful environment, but the real reason I went was to help find the peace within.  

Ahh peace.  Something we're always seeking externally that is actually hidden within.  I've been feeling somewhat turbulent, heavy energy lately.. (since the Mercury Retrograde really, if you're into that sort of thing..) and it's been pushing me towards more grounding activities.  More yoga practice.  More meditation.  More deep breaths and slowing down... which isn't easy for me.  The slowing down.  In times of turbulence in the past I never really used to respond this way.  I responded to overwhelming energies pretty mindlessly, not even thinking about it.  Not that I've mastered the art of constantly being at peace, but I'd say this is growth.  



So in this instance I decided to book myself a Crystal Healing Bowl Meditation workshop over at Chill Chicago and I was inspired to share my experience and journey to meditation with all of you.


I'll spare you the details, but have you ever been through a dark or chaotic time in your life?  OF COURSE YOU HAVE.  We all have.  That's life.  There are highs and lows.  Chaos can come from both.  And sometimes we deal with chaos in not-so-healthy ways.  My whole life I had never really thought about dealing with chaotic times in any way whatsoever.  I was kind of just floating around and dealing with things in probably not-so-healthy ways, without really intended to.  Until I discovered meditation.  And I realized I could calm myself in moments of chaos and choose what energy to take on and what to let go.  HOW. FREEING.  Not that it's that easy in a world of chaos to find the quiet... it's a practice you have to make some time and space for.








Luckily, meditation centers, like Chill Chicago, are popping up and we need them more than ever.  Especially in America!  America is a great country, but I think we are behind in that we still "live to work" rather than "work to live."  We are stressed.  And hurried.  WE NEED TO CHILL.  And enjoy life.  Otherwise, what's the point?




Not to mention the physical and mental effects that not chilling out are having on our health.  As a Registered Dietitian, I am passionate about holistic health and I believe healthcare should focus on mind, body and spirit and sometimes I truly believe stress effects us more than even what we eat or if we exercise.  Obviously, I'm saying that with a grain of salt... nutrition and physical activity are hugely important, but we tend to ignore the stress factor.  Physically stress manifests in increasing cortisol in the body leading to holding on to more adipose tissue along with a number of other issues.  Mentally, stress can manifest in depression, anxiety and, in extreme cases, crazy acts of violence.  


The thing is, when you meditate, it causes you to focus on the present moment.  When you focus on the present moment, it tends to interrupt feelings of depression over things that happened in the past and anxiety over what might happen in the future.  It quiets down that mindless chatter our brains make that cause us to be preoccupied on things that are over or things that haven't even and may never actually happen.  Mediation helps the brain quiet the chatter and feel the joy of just simply being. 


In my own experience, I find myself going towards breath and meditation in times of stress or if someone ticks me off.  I mean, not always.  I still swear a lot in traffic.... it's an ongoing practice... :)  But the fact that I think to do that at all is pretty impressive to me! 


The really cool thing is, this isn't just my opinion, but research studies are looking into the benefits of meditation and yoga on mental health issues and finding positive results!  I'm hoping to see the day where meditation becomes a regular part of the school day and becomes part of the norm. It's becoming more main stream and hell, if this is the newest "trend" so be it!  People are already out there complaining about the commercialization of yoga and I'm sure meditation to follow.  I get where they're coming from to a point, BUT if it helps a whole lot of people WHO GIVES A FLYING F.  Commercialize awayyyy as far as I'm concerned.  Again, people just need something to chatter about.  Less talky, more meditatey please.  


And on that note, I think I should take my own advice and wrap it up here.  But if you can find 10 minutes or more in your day to give to yourself, welcome meditation into your life.  And if you have an amazing center near you like Chill Out Chicago, take your lunch break there!  Meditate, lay back for a couple minutes or just get a chair massage!  Notice how the rest of your day after that changes.  And thank me later for your newfound zen. ;-)  


Wishing you all so much love and light and peace.

Stay Wild,







Cashew Cheesin'

My Vitamix adventures continue!

And I'm a BIG fan of this one... creamy cashew cheddar.  It's seriously amazing.  I try to limit dairy MOST of the time.  Pizza is one of my favorite splurges, as are wine and cheese nights, but in my day-to-day I really don't consume dairy. 

I served mine over lentil pasta (also good) and it totally hit the "mac & cheese" spot. 



-1 1/3 cup raw unsalted cashews (soaked in water for 8 hours)


-1/2 cup roasted butternut squash

-1/4 cup nutritional yeast

-2 Tbsp olive oil

-1/4 cup canned Pimiento peppers

-lemon juice (1/4 lemon)

-1/4 tsp pink Himalayan sea salt

-1/8 tsp nutmeg

-1 tsp garlic powder

-1/4 cup water




Instructions: Throw everything in the Vitamix or food processor.  Turn on at speed 1 and slowly increase to speed 7.  Then turn on High for 3 minutes.  You will get a hot, creamy faux-cheese.  Pour over your favorite pasta or use as a dip for nachos.  :)



Stay Wild,



Salmon with Pesto Fettuccine

Since I've gotten my Vitamix, I've been on a mission to try new recipes semi-regularly.  I had my heart set on homemade pesto, but the store was out of basil for 2 weeks.  TWO WEEKS.  I think this is where we hashtag #firstworldproblems but ANYWHO... it was back in stock this week so I made this bomb dish.  It's super simple.  Super basic. And, thanks to Vitamix, super easy to make!


Disclaimer: the pasta is store-bought almond flour (paleo friendly) and the salmon was grilled with just olive oil, salt and pepper.  I seasoned with parsley on top, as well.



-3 Tbsp pine nuts

-2 cups basil

-1.5 tsp minced garlic

-1/2 cup parmesan cheese

-1/2 cup extra-virgin olive oil

-salt and pepper to taste

Instructions: Throw all of it in the Vitamix/food processor and blend.  For Vitamix, gradually turn up from setting 1 to 7.  For Vitamix, use the Tamper ("wand thingy" as I like to call it) as needed to maneuver all of the basil leaves/nuts into the blades to blend.   Serve over pasta... on homemade pizza.... maybe some pesto chicken... go nuts!


Stay Wild,




Easy Homemade Hummus

My love affair with the Vitamix continues... 

It's just....


EASY TO USE.  It's almost toooooo easy, but I mean that in a great way.  This time I made some homemade hummus.


-1 can chickpeas (low-sodium) WITH the liquid

-1/4 cup tahini, stirred (homemade or store bought)

-1/4 cup lemon juice (approx. 2 lemons)

-3 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil

-2 cloves garlic, minced

-1/4 heaping tsp cumin

-1/8 tsp cayenne pepper

-1 tsp salt

Toppings for Serving:



Instructions:   Set 2 Tbsp chickpeas off to the side for serving.  Place the remaining chickpeas and liquid, along with all of the other ingredients (tahini, lemon juice, olive oil, garlic, cumin, cayenne pepper, salt) into your Vitamix or food processor.  Turn Vitamix on regular setting starting at setting 1 and slowly moving up to 10.   Smooth until well blended; if necessary add in a little more liquid for consistency.  Pour into a serving bowl and place the chickpeas you set aside in the center.  Sprinkle with Paprika and parsley.  Serve with veggies or pita chips or whatever the heck you want! 



Stay Wild,
