D's Go-To Green Smoothie

Also known as the "Basic AF" smoothie.  I'll be honest, my breakfast and lunch during the week tend to stay prettyyyyyy boring.  I usually have just about the same thing every day during the week.  I do this for a couple of reasons... 1). It doesn't bother me at all.  I don't get bored.  2.) It makes my daily routine and sticking to a healthy game plan that much easier because it takes the "think" out of it.  I'm used to making my go-to smoothie. so I prep it the night before and blend it in the mornin' and off I go.  No time wasted in the AM. 


I do occasionally make modifications to get some new nutrients in there, but for the most part I can trust on old faithful here to get the job done and be on the go.  So now I will share it with you. :)



-2 cups spinach or kale


-1/2 cucumber

-1/2 green apple

-4-5 frozen pineapple chunks (option to use cauliflower chunks instead for less sugar)

-1 tbsp Spirulina

-1 tbsp maca powder

-1 tbsp ground chia seeds

-3 dashes turmeric

-1/2 tsp black pepper

-2 scoops collagen peptides

-1/4 cup water

Instructions:  Just chop veggies/fruits and blend ingredients.  Because I prep the night before I will add the spinach or kale, cucumber, apple, spirulina, maca, chia and Ashwagandha and leave unblended.  Then in the morning I add the water and blend that.  After blending I add the pineapple, turmeric, pepper and collagen and blend once more. 


Now you may be asking yourself, what the hell is with all the potions and powders?  I'll briefly discuss the benefits of all of these little gems in more detail.

Collagen Peptides:

Collagen is the most abundant protein in the human bod.  As we age, we stop making enough.  Adding collagen into the diet can help replenish some we've lost and is beneficial for gut health, digestion, hair, skin, nails, joints and bones.  


A high protein, very nutrient-dense algae powder.  It also contains fatty acids which have anti-inflammatory benefits and many antioxidants.  Some studies suggest Spirulina may help with heavy metal toxicity and with allergies.

Maca Powder:

Maca is a cruciferous vegetable and very nutrient dense.  It has been associated with several hormonal balancing benefits.

Chia Seeds:

Another nutrient-dense "superfood," as they say... chia seeds are associated with benefits related to healthier skin, aging, digestion, energy and heart health.


An herb commonly used in Ayurvedic healing or Chinese medicine.  It is often compared to ginseng for it's adaptogenic properties.  Associated benefits range from improved immune system to reductions in stress and anti-inflammatory benefits. 

Feel free to use the "potions" or ditch 'em.  Get creative and add your own!  Feel free to share your recipes/modifications below. :)

Stay Wild,



Pitaya Pretty

Namaste in bed.  Siiike! I actually did go for a solid run today and made this delish post-run Pitaya smoothie.  Super simple.  Super tasty.  Super nutritious.  Easy like Sunday morning...  but now that I did all that I am legit going to go relax in bed.  SUNDAZE.


-1 pack Pitaya Plus

-1 frozen banana

-1/4 cup frozen berries

-1/2 cup cashew milk

-1 cup frozen cauliflower


-Almond Butter

-coconut flakes

Instructions:  Blend that shiz.  Top with creamy almond butter and coconut flakes.  I use Manna Organics nut butters because they are TASTY.



Stay Wild,
